Wednesday 21 November 2012


Hair-care ~ What I do to my hair.

This is what i do & what products i use with/on my hair from washing it to drying and styling it.
SHAMPOO : i use LUSH shampoo bars and the one i currently have is seanik(£5.25)  i dont find that it does anything better or different for my hair but thats fine it works and it has lasted me ages, all i do it wet hair and give this a few rubs on my scalp and massage it in & wash out, simple.
CONDITIONER:  I use two conditioner's both AUSSIE & both for colored hair, the first i use is colour mate conditioner then i use the 3 minute miracle colour deep treatment & i LOVE these both they leave my hair feeling silky smooth & the smell great.
LEE STAFFORD HAIR GROWTH TREATMENT: i use this after i shampoo but before i condition it smells so good and i have noticed a little bit of a difference in my hair since using this you are meant to use it once a week, i'd say i use it about once a week- a fortnight, it also acts as a conditioner. 
ARGAN OIL:I brought this from primark a couple of weeks back and have only just started using it but i use this when im drying/ have dried my have and am styling it, it makes my hair feel so smooth & it was cheap, i think it works as well as some more expensive Moroccan oils that are out there.
AUSSIE LEAVE-IN CONDITIONER: I tend to use this if i have let my hair air-dry and it has become a little knotty as it doesn't stress the hair so much when brushing out the knots, it helps to protect it. This also, like all of the AUSSIE products smells lush, & it doubles as a heat defense spray. MULTITASKER.
LEE STAFFORD SEA SALT SPRAY : I apply this to the underneath of my hair when blow drying as it helps give volume and texture it smells nice very beach-y sometimes i do find that this causes knots in my hair which isn't  too great but besides that i like.
BATISTE DRY SHAMPOO: THIS IS MY LIFE SAVER. so many times i needed to wash my hair but haven't had time and had to dash somewhere and i use this, it works so well and also gives added texture which i love especially along the roots and its affordable. 

ellisha xoxo

Thursday 15 November 2012


Being the nail varnish junkie i am i couldn't pick out of my collection but i managed to get it down to 7 of my absolute favorites. (these are in no particular order)

O.P.I ~ KATY PERRY LAST FRIDAY NIGHT: This was my first glittery nail varnish purchase and i couldn't have picked a better one, it was also my first O.P.I polish so i didn't know what to expect really, was i going to like the formula or the brush? thankfully i did, the brush isn't to big or to small just the right size i find, and the polish its self isn't to gloopy or runny, it isn't very opaque but it is build-able and when applied to opaque looks amazing.
BARRY M ~  METHYST GLITTER: Glitter galore, pink,silver and blue glitter, all in one. i have a fair few (by that i mean i have most of the barry m collection) and i am pleased with every barry m nail polish i own, when i am wearing this i find that i am always looking down at my nails, very eye-catching. 
MISS SPORTY LASTING COLOUR ~ NO NAME:  Unfortunately this has no name and it really bugs me because how are you meant to blog, tell people what colour nail polish you are wearing etc, without a name for it come on miss sporty! anyway this is a nice metallic-y turquoise colour. Slightly bigger brush which i find covers the whole of my nail this means i only need to paint my nails twice which makes things easier& quicker.
REVLON ~ DREAMER: This pale/pastel colour blue is perfect if you don't want too much colour but a little colour, many times did i walk past this at the revlon counter and thought about buying but never but now i am so glad that i bit the bullet and brought it EVERYONE should have a colour like this in their collection. 
MODELS OWN HEDKANDI ~ BEACH PARTY: ORANGE ALERT. how nice is this colour it is so bold and different that when you have this on your nails your constantly looking at them anyone who has this will agree, i love it i cant even begin to explain how much i love it. in my opinion thought i find it a little too runny and the rush to be a little on the thin/small side BUT i can put that aside because the colour is the greatest.
AMERICAN APPAREL NAIL LACQUER ~ LIPSTICK: The vampy red, it was once the colour i could never get right until i picked this baby up, its not too deep but not to bog-standard red. I like the packaging of this one to not your normal bottle of polish but nothing to fancy, i can easily pick it  out of my nail polish bag. I find the brush is once again a little too thin/small but that's just personal preference.
COLLECTION HOT LOOKS ~ HIDDEN: OH MY. I didn't know such colour existed in the nail varnish world, khaki green, unique and very different. I love this. i just HATE the small lid/brush handle, the consistency and brush size are perfect for me.

I hope you enjoyed reading let me know below.

ellisha xoxo

Monday 12 November 2012


i love watching TAG videos so i thought as much as i loved this video TAG i would do a blog post to it. Even though it is a bit late and i have edited out the halloween questions here are my answer's.
FAVE FALL LIP PRODUCT: This hands down has to be carmex so many people chose actual lipsticks but i swear by my cherry carmex as i always end up with chapped lips which is so unattractive.
FAVE NAIL PRODUCT: Anyone who knows me knows i am an absolute nail varnish junkie i have so many so it was such a hard decision to chose ONE but it has to be "BARRY M ~RASPBERRY" I love this colour i am addicted to oxblood right now so anything similar to that is defiantly a big thumbs up.
FAVE STARBUCKS DRINK: so i don't drink starbucks but i do drink costa so i will answer with "fave costa drink" and it is 100% black forest hot chocolate. 
FAVE FALL CANDLE: personally i will burn whatever candle that i find i dont have a fave, i am currently burning one of YANKEE candles cinnamon ones (i think) and it smells very nice and winter-y.
FAVE FALL SCARF/ACCESSORY: I am dying to get my hands on a plaid/tartan scarf but i currently dont have one i just have my go-to grey wooly scarf from "PRIMARK" which i throw on when ever i feel i need to.
FAVE THING ABOUT FALL:I generally love the transaction from summer to winter i love the way you can layer up clothing, big knit jumpers, deep reds i cant pick one i LOVE fall.

Friday 9 November 2012


No7 QUICK THINKING WIPES:  These are my saviour on a night where I'm way to lazy to take of my make-up properly cos' lets admit it we all have those nights, this month was the first time i brought these wipes with a £7 price tag without a voucher i was never going to buy them, but buying them with the voucher for £2 makes so much sense and so the purchase was made, theres not much to write about wipes but they do the job.                                                                

SOAP AND GLORY THE RIGHTEOUS BUTTER: The smell of this is just enough to buy it (go and have a smell) but that aside this has been the moisturiser i have been grabbing the past month i find it makes my skin feel hydrated and smooth.

NIVIA DAY MOISTURISER ~ OIL FREE: I recently repurchased this after using another NIVIA moisturiser and i must say i think i will be sticking to this one from now on it feels alot richer on my skin and not as drying I feel it makes a nice base to start my make-up on & generally makes my skin feel better.

KATE MOSS LIPSTICK ~ 01 :  This has been my go-to lipstick & is slighty darker than my normal but i think that is because autumn is here and i feel its nicer to wear darker- more vampy shades in this season. It stays on the lips for a good amount of time but do find it needs touching up now and then, other than that it's grand.

SANITISING HAND GEL :  NOT VERY BEAUTY-ESQUE BUT you have to love a good hand gel esp in this transactional season where every tom,dick&harry has a snuffle or a full blown cough/cold, working in a shop i am constantly in touch with customers who may have cold's and all sorts of nasty germs so i make sure i always have a bottle to hand to keep them germs away. (This one is from ALDI at 65p a bottle)

Thursday 8 November 2012

Something magical.


Its that time of the year already, cold winter nights ~ hot bubble baths/ showers and LUSH have recently set their little fairy free for another year, lucky us.
SNOW FAIRY: (£6.25~250g) OH MY this smells divine & i hate the fact we have to wait for it to come out each year, damn you LUSH, i must stock up because this might just become my most fave shower gel EVER. The smell is very sweet & reminds me of candyfloss, if you haven't picked this up yet i DEMAND you get to lush and pick one up. PLEASE MAKE THIS PERMANENT LUSH. "Get your wings fluttering and lather up with this cutie"
TWILIGHT: (£4.25~100g) This is sooooo relaxing with lavender it makes you unwind at the end of the day, it has bits of shimmer/glitter floating around in it which is a added bonus. i'm not as crazy about this that snow fairy but that doesnt mean i dislike it. "like stepping into a fairytale shower".

Wednesday 7 November 2012


Oh my blog how i have missed you, i have been busy working my ass off, i have just recently got my first car and insurance which is killing my bank balance 'cos as we all know insurance isn't very cheap esp for young females.
With working alot i never really had time to sit down a write i wanted to spend time with my boyfriend whenever we could and lets just say things got on top of me but im back and i promise to TRY my hardest to keep on top of this blog as much as i can, even if that means i have to write many blogs together & publish them over time. It was also the fact with whatever money i earned was going on to my car i never really brought much new products so i didn't really have the products to write about and what sort of blog would that be?
I dont want this to be long & ramble-y so im going to wrap it up here.


ellisha xoxo