Monday 12 November 2012


i love watching TAG videos so i thought as much as i loved this video TAG i would do a blog post to it. Even though it is a bit late and i have edited out the halloween questions here are my answer's.
FAVE FALL LIP PRODUCT: This hands down has to be carmex so many people chose actual lipsticks but i swear by my cherry carmex as i always end up with chapped lips which is so unattractive.
FAVE NAIL PRODUCT: Anyone who knows me knows i am an absolute nail varnish junkie i have so many so it was such a hard decision to chose ONE but it has to be "BARRY M ~RASPBERRY" I love this colour i am addicted to oxblood right now so anything similar to that is defiantly a big thumbs up.
FAVE STARBUCKS DRINK: so i don't drink starbucks but i do drink costa so i will answer with "fave costa drink" and it is 100% black forest hot chocolate. 
FAVE FALL CANDLE: personally i will burn whatever candle that i find i dont have a fave, i am currently burning one of YANKEE candles cinnamon ones (i think) and it smells very nice and winter-y.
FAVE FALL SCARF/ACCESSORY: I am dying to get my hands on a plaid/tartan scarf but i currently dont have one i just have my go-to grey wooly scarf from "PRIMARK" which i throw on when ever i feel i need to.
FAVE THING ABOUT FALL:I generally love the transaction from summer to winter i love the way you can layer up clothing, big knit jumpers, deep reds i cant pick one i LOVE fall.

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