Wednesday 7 November 2012


Oh my blog how i have missed you, i have been busy working my ass off, i have just recently got my first car and insurance which is killing my bank balance 'cos as we all know insurance isn't very cheap esp for young females.
With working alot i never really had time to sit down a write i wanted to spend time with my boyfriend whenever we could and lets just say things got on top of me but im back and i promise to TRY my hardest to keep on top of this blog as much as i can, even if that means i have to write many blogs together & publish them over time. It was also the fact with whatever money i earned was going on to my car i never really brought much new products so i didn't really have the products to write about and what sort of blog would that be?
I dont want this to be long & ramble-y so im going to wrap it up here.


ellisha xoxo

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